Monday, September 14, 2015

How To Check Current Package? (GrameenPhone, Airtel, Robi, Banglalink, Teletalk, Citycell)

Check Your Current Package:

To check your Current Package:

For GrameenPhone Type P & Send To 4444

For Airtel Press *121*1*1*1#

For Robi Press *140*14#

For Banglalink Press *125#

For Teletalk Type P & Send To 154

For Citycell Type "MDN" & send it to 7678

Don't forget to comment if these information helps you.

How to check own phone or SIM number? (GrameenPhone, Airtel, Robi, Banglalink, Teletalk, Citycell)

To check your Phone or SIM number:

For GrameenPhone Press *2#

For Airtel Press *121*6*3#

For Robi Press *140*2*4#

For Banglalink Press *511#

For Teletalk Press *551#

For Citycell Type "MDN" & send it to 7678

Don't forget to comment if these information helps you.